Promotion and Development

The technical positions of Noventek Pharm are divided into more than ten levels. Each level has different skills and job requirements, undertakes different job responsibilities and enjoys different remuneration. In principle, the post level of Noventek Pharm adopts the step-by-step promotion system, and is gradually promoted from low level to high level.

Researchers' rank promotion is related to their job skills and job performance. Generally, a researcher needs to meet the requirements of the upper level in work skills and work performance in each assessment cycle, and then complete the job promotion through the internal assessment system of the company.

The executive positions of Noventek Pharm are divided into multiple levels, each level has different skills and job requirements, undertakes different job responsibilities and enjoys different remuneration. In principle, the management level of Noventek Pharm adopts a step-by-step promotion system, which is gradually promoted from low level to high level. In general, an employee needs to meet the requirements of the previous level in work skills and performance in each assessment cycle, and then can complete job promotion through the internal assessment system of the company.

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  • Phone:0555-8220886 0555-8220865
  • Fax:0555-8220807
  • Address:Ningma Science and Technology Innovation Park, No.155 Taodian Road, Cihu High-tech Zone, Ma'anshan City, Anhui Province